The Information Center for the Environment at UC Davis, with funding from the California Department of Transportation, is exploring the feasibility and benefits of the potential implementation of a statewide integrated land use/economic/ transportation model. This type of model has the ability to assess and depict the interregional effects of major changes to land uses, economics, and transportation on energy, the economy and the environment in a variety of ways.
If implemented, an integrated interregional model could be used to better understand various infrastructure investment proposals and policy options. For example, the model could be used to evaluate economic, land use, environmental, and other potential benefits and impacts of various major transportation investments. It could also be used to assess the potential effects of various types of large-scale policies, programs, and strategies, such as:
~ Costs and benefits of major infrastructure investments
~ Travel between California's regions and counties
~ Habitat and species protection strategies
~ Preservation of agriculture areas
~ Clean Air policies and programs
~ Clean Water Act compliance
~ Economic Development Programs
~ Jobs/Housing Proximity
~ Various housing policies and programs
~ Redevelopment and urban infill strategies
~ Regional job production and job creation programs