The Natural Resource Projects Inventory (NRPI) began as a collaborative effort between UC Davis Information Center for the Environment (ICE) and the California Biodiversity Council (CBC) in 1997. In response to a growing need for more project related data on California's natural resources, existing inventories* were synthesized into one database and thousands of new projects have been added through individual online entries and electronic database transfers. Today, NRPI is the most comprehensive statewide database of its kind in California with over 8,000 natural resource projects searchable on the Internet. These projects include watershed conservation and acquisition, restoration and noxious weed eradication, assessment, planning, and scientific studies. Projects are linked to the CERES California Environmental Information Clearinghouse (CEIC), GeoFinder, the California Digital Atlas, the California Watershed Portal, and Google Maps.
Funding for NRPI has been provided by: Bureau of Land Management, Cal EPA / State Water Resources Control Board, California Department of Water Resources, California Department of Food and Agriculture, California Department of Conservation, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, California Department of Fish and Game, San Francisco Bay Fund Foundation, San Francisco Estuary Institute, Resources Legacy Fund Foundation, California Resources Agency, California Coastal Conservancy, and CALFED Watershed Program. It is currently funded by the State Water Resources Control Board. Thank you to all of the agencies and environmental organizations that have supplied generous support in the form of staff time and data collection.
*Original inventories included: The California Watershed Projects Inventory (CWPI), The California Ecological Restoration Projects Inventory (CERPI), and the California Department of Conservation Noxious Weeds Projects Inventory (CNWCPI).