California Regional Blueprint Planning Program -- Outreach and Support
Project Start Date: July 1, 2008
Project End Date: June 30, 2010
Primary Contact
Associated Organizations
The following are a list of project related resources.
Presentations and Posters
PowerPoint presentations from speakers Summit held on 2/10/2009 at the Department of Health Services' East End Complex
2009 Statewide Summit held on 2/10/2009 Department of Health Services' East End Complex
Summary of the Summit that was held on February 10, 2009 in Sacramento at the California Department of Health's East End Context
Synthesis of the Regional Blueprints Word Cafe held on February 10, 2009 in Sacramento at the California Department of Health's East End Complex
Materials provided to participants at the Rural Regional Blueprints Workshop held at the SACOG Board Room in Sacramento on January 16, 2009
Materials provided to participants at the Rural Regional Blueprints Workshop held at the SACOG Board Room in Sacramento on January 16, 2009
Contains the handout packet received by participants attending the I-80 Corridor Summit in Davis on April 22, 2009
This interactive summit features local elected officials and regional experts along the I-80 corridor (from San Francisco through Placer counties) deliberating over critical issues concerning the region
Co-hosted by Caltrans, the Council of Fresno County Governments, the Great Valley Center, and the Local Government Commission at the Downtown Club in Fresno on Wednesday September 17th
Co-hosted by Caltrans, Tulare Association of Governments, the Great Valley Center and the Local Government Commission
A list of participants attending one of the three dinners held in Fresno, Visalia and Modesto in the fall of 2008.
Documents and Reports
Agenda for the Rural Regional Blueprint Workshop held September 25, 2009