As Program Manager for ULTRANS, Liz provides contract managment, fiscal analysis and operational support to the Center. Her background is in land use and natural resources planning. She has coordinated education, outreach, and professional development programs in the areas of land use, transportation, public finance, fire ecology, road ecology, and the environment for almost 20 years.
Elizabeth Grassi

Contact Information
One Shields Avenue
Position: Program Manager, ULTRANS
Phone: (530) 754-5776
Office: 2009 Academic Surge
Affiliated Organizations
Resources (Data Contact)
Presentations and Posters
2009 State Summit held at the Department of Health Services East End Complex on Feburary 10, 2009
Final list of participant attendint the Summit on April 1, 2009 at the Ayres Hotel and Suites in Ontario, California
A summary of the event held on April 1, 2009 at the Ayres Hotel & Suites in Ontario. For information about the APA Field Hearing, visit their website:
Handouts from the April 1, 2009 Summit at the Ayres Hotel in Ontario, California. Features the Rebuilding America Field
Synthesis of the Regional Blueprints Word Cafe held on February 10, 2009 in Sacramento at the California Department of Health's East End Complex
Summary of the Summit that was held on February 10, 2009 in Sacramento at the California Department of Health's East End Context
Luncheon Panel - Local Communities City of Compton Planning Efforts April 1, 2009 at the Ayres Hotel and Suites in Ontario, California
A Regional Wake-Up Call Panel Understanding Financial Instraments and Carbon Price held April 1, 2009 at the Ayres Hotel and Suites in Ontario, California
PowerPoint presentations from speakers Summit held on 2/10/2009 at the Department of Health Services' East End Complex
This interactive summit features local elected officials and regional experts along the I-80 corridor (from San Francisco through Placer counties) deliberating over critical issues concerning the region
2009 Statewide Summit held on 2/10/2009 Department of Health Services' East End Complex
Linda Parks sits on the Ventura County Board of Supervisors