James F. Quinn

Contact Information
Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Position: Professor, Director of ICE
Email: jfquinn@ucdavis.edu
Phone: (530) 752-8027
Office: Wickson 2120C
Affiliated Organizations
Resources (Data Contact)
Documents and Reports
The Wildlife Crossing Community website is an interactive manual which allows the community to comment, edit, revise or add additional information regarding wildlife crossing projects, guidance, publications, and case studies.
Resources (Contributor)
Dataset: Geospatial
A collection of spatial data for support of the Great Places Program, a public-private collaborative effort that is designed to improve the protection and conservation of natural resources in California.
Outputs from scenario modeling conducted 2005-2006 for the Governor's Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley. This predates the San Joaquin Valley Blueprint.
Documents and Reports
The final report for the California Rivers Assessment Project.
Dataset: Monitoring
A database of standardized, documented, taxonomically harmonized species inventories of plants and vertebrates of the world's protected areas. A web interface provides for queries and data download.
The Tricolor blackbird database and associated portal provides access to information about the tricolored blackbird (Agelaius tricolor), a near-endemic California passerine and the most colonial songbird in North America.
This dataset contains butterfly presence/absence data as well as abundance data from 11 sites ranging from the Sacramento River delta, through the Sacramento Valley and Sierra Nevada mountains, to the high desert of the western Great Basin. The data has been collected by Dr. Arthur Shapiro, regularly (approximately two-week intervals) since as early as 1972.
Reports, posters, publications, data, and images from the Cosumnes Research Group's projects and activities.