Seminar: Restoration of Mountain Fluvial Aquatic Environment Degraded by Transportation Network in Garhwal Himalayas


Professor Ramesh Sharma will give a talk entitled:

"Restoration of Mountain Fluvial Aquatic Environment Degraded by Transportation Network in Garhwal Himalayas."

at noon in 2124 Wickson Hall. UC Davis, sponsored by ICE and the Geography Graduate Group.

Ramesh Sharma is the professor and chairman of the Department of Environmental Sciences, H. N. B. Garhwal University, Srinagar-Garhwal, Uttaranchal, India and an internationally recognized leader in the study of long-term and large-scale environmental change in the Himalaya mountains. He has degrees in zoology, freshwater fishery biology and a doctor of science (D.Sc.) in environmental biology.

For more than thirty years, he has had a wide experience teaching and researching environmental monitoring, bioenergetics, limnology, resource management, aquatic biodiversity, hyporheic biodiversity, microbial diversity, and transportation and environmental issues in the Himalayas. More than 12 research projects have been completed on these aspects.

He has published more than 104 research articles in journals of international repute. He has received several distinguished awards (NATCON Environment Gold Medal 2001, Zoological Society of India Gold Medal 2001, Environmentalist of the Year Award 2003, Recognition Award Gold Medal 2004, and Indira Gandhi National Environment Award 2005). He is also a fellow of many national and international societies.




James F. Quinn, Professor
Department of Environmental Science and Policy University of California Davis, CA 95616-8576

(530) 752-8027

-----Original Message-----
From: Alison Berry []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 12:22 PM
To: Jim Quinn; Shilling, Fraser
Cc: McCoy, Mike C.
Subject: RE: Ramesh Sharma

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