Environmental News and Announcements

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UC Davis Summer Abroad classes 2009


1) What’s in Your Water? (Galway, Ireland), ECI 148A and 198, 8 units, June 25-July 26, 2009

Geo298: Advanced Computing in Geography


Spatial Technologies Seminar Advanced Computing in Geography GEO 298, Fall 2007 CRN #56951, 2 Units 1137 PES (GIS Teaching Lab) Mondays 4-7pm Prerequisites: 1 Geographic Information System course, and one computer programming course or equivalent experience. (Space may be available for an experienced undergraduate by instructor consent) Course Description: A review of modern GIS tools through hands on GIS, GPS and Web development in a team programming environment. Possible topics include cartography tools, ArcGIS extensions, GPS processing, Geo-Statistics and web mapping applications from a programming environment perspective.

Geography Seminar Series -- "Impact of Global Warming on Himalayan Ecosystems" - Ramesh Sharma


The Information Center for the Environment and the Geography 297 Seminar are proud host Dr. Ramesh Sharma at UC Davis. He will be speaking in the Geography Seminar Series, Wednesday at 4:10pm, in Wellman 230 on the topic of the "Impact of Global Warming on Himalayan Ecosystems"

On Thursday at noon in 2124 Wickson Hall he will be making another address titled: "Restoration of Mountain Fluvial Aquatic Environment Degraded by Transportation Network in Garhwal Himalayas."

Both presentations are open to the university community and the public. Feel free to distribute this announcement to any who may be interested.

Biographic sketch of Dr. Ramesh Sharma:

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