San Joaquin Valley iPlace3s


The project will develop an I-PLACE3S application that represents the current conditions for the 8 Metropolitan Planning Organizations in the Central Valley, consisting on the counties of San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Kern.

For this project UC Davis and SACOG will partner to form an I-PLACE3S technical support team.  This team will work directly with the COGs to conduct training, advise on the development of data used by I-PLACE3S, help load the basic GIS data required by I-PLACE3S, set-up project “place types” (neighborhood building elements that add up to village, town or city), and provide vital help desk support to the COG staff.

EcoInteractive’s role, in a separate contract, will be to provide robust access to the I-PLACE3S web service during setup, training and operation and maintain the integrity and security of the SaaS system. UC Davis and SACOG will provide training and support so that the COG/MPO staff can develop a “current conditions” dataset, and in doing that get education and training in the use of I-PLACE3S.

The MPOs will contribute their staff time as necessary to develop the data and receive the training.  This staff time can be considered as a form of in-kind matching revenue.

Project Start Date: February 1, 2011

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