Collaborative Planning Case Studies and Social Network Analysis


ICE is collaborating with Mark Lubell, professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy, on a research project looking at social networking in regional land use planning processes.

Quick Synopsis of the Research

UC Davis is conducting research focusing on the effectiveness of stakeholder and community involvement processes in five regions throughout the state. Specifically, San Diego, Riverside, Sacramento, Merced and the Tri-County area of Alpine, Amador and Calaveras. The project will compare how conflict, compromise and intra-regional relationships are addressed. Relationships between infrastructure agencies and resource protection agencies will be analyzed. The tools used to support integrated planning and collaboration will be examined for their contribution to the processes.


A Regional Land-Use Planning Survey designed by professor Lubell is being administered by the San Diego State University, Social Science Research Laboratory in support of the project described above. The survey has two main goals:

  1. Measuring attitudes and behaviors with respect to regional land-use planning;
  2. Measuring the structure of policy network among the broad policy network of stakeholders involved in land-use planning.

The sample frame will be based on the concept of policy network, which consists of all the set of relevant stakeholders who are involved in land-use planning in each of the project areas. Relevant stakeholders are those agencies, governments, and organizations whose welfare is somehow affected by regional planning decisions. These stakeholders include city and county governments, federal and state agencies, developers, and non-profit interest groups.

Project Start Date: January 20, 2007

Project Participants