Evan H. Girvetz

Contact Information

International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Kasarani Rd., ICIPE Complex
PO Box 823-00621, Nairobi, Kenya
Position: Senior Scientist
Email: e.girvetz@cgiar.org
Phone: +254 726 983 134
Office: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Affiliated Organizations


Research Interests

My research interests lie in developing tools and methods for ecosystem based adaptation to climate change. I am a lead developer of the web-mapping climate change analysis tool Climate Wizard (http://ClimateWizard.org), and work on finding ways to best assess climate change impacts for supporting the development of strategies for adaptating to climate change.

Other research interests are landscape habitat modeling, habitat fragmentation/connectivity analysis, geographic Information Systems (GIS), and population viability analysis.


Ph.D., Graduate Group in Ecology, University of California, Davis (2007)

B.S., Evolution and Ecology, minor in Mathematics, minor in Philosophy, University of California, Davis (1998)


Selected Publications:

Girvetz, E.H.. 2010. The impact of erosion control projects on the population viability of bank swallows (Riparia riparia) along the Sacramento River (California, USA). Biological Conservation 143(4): 828-838.

Copeland,H.E., S.A Tessman, L. Roberts, A. Orabona, S. Patla, C.A.F. Enquist, E.H. Girvetz, and J. Kiesecker. 2009. A geospatial assessment on the distribution, condition, and vulnerability of Wyoming’s wetlands. Environmental Indicators 10(4): 869-879.

Girvetz, E.H., C. Zganjar, S. Shafer, E. Maurer, P. Kareiva, and J.J. Lawler. 2009. Applied climate change analysis for science, management, and planning. PLoS ONE 4(12): e8320

Luedeling, E., M. Zhang, and E.H. Girvetz. 2009. Declining winter chill for fruit and nut trees in California. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6166.

Luedeling, E., M. Zhang, V. Luedeling, E.H. Girvetz. 2009. Sensitivity of winter chill models for fruit and nut trees to climatic changes in California’s Central Valley. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 133: 23-31.

Girvetz, E.H. and S.E. Greco. 2009. Multi-scale predictive habitat suitability modeling based on hierarchically delineated patches: an example for yellow-billed cuckoos nesting in riparian forests, California, USA. Landscape Ecology 24: 1315-1329.

Thorne, J.H., E.H. Girvetz, M.C. McCoy. 2009. Evaluating terrestrial cumulative impacts of road improvement projects for long-term advanced mitigation assessment in California, USA. Environmental Management 43: 936-948.

Girvetz, E.H., J.H. Thorne, A.M. Berry, and J.A.G. Jaeger. 2008. Integration of landscape fragmentation analysis into regional planning: a statewide multi-scale case study for California, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning 86: 205-218.

Greco, S.E., E.H. Girvetz, E.W. Larsen, J.P. Mann, J.L. Tuil, and C. Lowney. 2008. Relative elevation topographic surface modelling of a large alluvial river floodplain and applications for the study and management of riparian landscapes. Landscape Research 33(4):461–486.

Girvetz, E.H., J.A.G. Jaeger, J.H. Thorne. 2007. Comment on “Roadless space of the conterminous United States.” Science 318: 1240b.

Girvetz, E.H. and S.E. Greco. 2007. How to define a patch: a spatial model for hierarchically delineating organism-specific habitat patches. Landscape Ecology 22: 1131-1142
Foley, J.E., J. Zipser, B. Chomel, E.H. Girvetz, P. Foley. 2007. Modeling plague persistence in host-vector communities in California. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43(3): 408-424.

Shilling, F.M. and E.H. Girvetz. 2007. Physical and financial barriers to implementing a wildland reserve network. Landscape and Urban Planning 80: 165-172.

Larsen, E.W., E.H. Girvetz, and A.K. Fremier. 2007. Landscape-level conservation planning in alluvial riparian floodplain ecosystems: using geomorphic modeling to avoid conflicts between habitat conservation and human infrastructure. Landscape and Urban Planning 79: 338-346.

Larsen, E.W., A.K. Fremier, and E. H. Girvetz. 2006. Modeling the effects of flow regulation scenarios on river channel migration on the Sacramento River, CA USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42: 1063-1075.

Larsen, E.W., E.H. Girvetz, and A.K. Fremier. 2006. Assessing the effects of alternative setback levee scenarios employing a river meander migration model. Environmental Management 37: 880-897.

Adjemian, J., E.H. Girvetz, and J. Foley. 2006. Analysis of the GARP modeling approach for predicting the distributions of fleas implicated as vectors of plague, Yersinia pestis, in California. Journal of Medical Entomology 43: 93-103.

Foley, J.E., S.H. Sokolow, E.H. Girvetz, C.W. Foley, and P. Foley. 2005. Spatial epidemiology of yellow-blotch/band dyndrome in Montastrea spp. coral in the eastern Yucatan Caribbean. Hydrobiologia 548: 33-40.

Girvetz, E.H. and F.M. Shilling. 2003. Decision support for road system analysis and modification on the Tahoe National Forest. Environmental Management 32: 218-233.

Snyder, M.S., E. Girvetz, and E.P. Mulder. 2001. Induction of marine mollusk stress proteins by chemical or physical stress. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 41: 22-29.

In Review:

Enquist C.A.F., E.H. Girvetz, D.F. Gori. In review. Conservation implications of recent climate changes of watersheds in southwestern U.S. Environmental Management.