Coastal Management Specialist
Coastal Management Specialist
San Francisco Bay Area, California
The Baldwin Group, Inc. (TBG), a contractor to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal Services Center (Center) in Charleston, SC seeks a talented individual to provide support to the Center’s West Coast office in Oakland, CA. The West Coast regional associate will serve to support the projects, coordination and communication efforts for the region (CA, OR, WA) and aid in planning efforts for the small West Coast office and the Center’s Regional Coastal Services division. The goal of this position and of the successful candidate will be to help NOAA and the Center identify and address coastal resource management needs in the region.
The successful candidate will serve as a regional coastal specialist with responsibilities to the Center and will assist in the development and implementation of regional activities along the West Coast. This includes a full range of activities and consultations, and forming partnerships with academic institutions, business and industry, public interest groups, and with other federal, state and local governments. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to take a project leadership role providing technical assistance to coastal resource management programs. Responsibilities include:
• Aiding in the development and execution of Center projects for the West Coast region. This requires familiarity with ocean and coastal resource management partners and programs in the region.
• Coordinating Center projects and programs in the region with a focus on helping coastal communities make informed decisions on the use of their lands and waters and enabling them to be resilient to natural hazards and climate change. This includes coordinating marine spatial planning activities on the West Coast; developing geospatial tools and information; providing technical assistance; and supporting NOAA’s role in the West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health.
• Facilitating Center regional participation in internal Center, NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS), and NOAA regional efforts, including support for the, NOAA San Francisco Bay Coordination group and other coordination and communication work. This work will include helping to develop agendas; responding to meeting tasks; and other developments in support of these efforts.
• Identifying opportunities for and coordinating applications of Center products, including geospatial decision-support tools, along the West Coast.
• Assisting the West Coast regional manager with the development and coordination of plans, tasks, schedules, reporting, and measures of success that support regional program, project, and partner requirements.
• Identifying relationship-building opportunities in coordination with the West Coast team and other NOS and NOAA regional programs.
The position requires independent work and initiative. Knowledge of coastal and marine programs within the Center and NOAA is preferred, or a demonstrated ability to learn and adapt to a new area. Familiarity with coastal resource management issues is necessary, including those related to marine spatial planning and coastal land use and watershed planning; knowledge or experience in coastal hazards and climate change would be a plus. Experience with geographic information systems is preferred, ideally with ESRI ArcGIS and the Spatial Analyst Extension, and experience creating ArcGIS geodatabases and analyzing and displaying geospatial data is a plus.
The position requires a Masters’ degree in the coastal resource management field, or equivalent experience. The successful candidate must demonstrate strong communication and organizational skills, as well as excellent interpersonal skills. S/he will be detail-oriented, will demonstrate an ability to build relationships with management, colleagues, and external partners, and will be able to coordinate projects and efforts as a team member and contributor. The candidate must also have the ability to work without direct day-to-day supervision, and communicate progress to a variety of groups within the region and to management and partners across the nation. Travel throughout the region is required as well as to Charleston, South Carolina, and other regions across the country as needed. The candidate must be able to effectively work and schedule activities with partners and staff not physically located with Oakland based staff.
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