ICE hosts International Climate Change Seminar!


The US Forest Service International Programs and the University of California, Davis, are pleased to announce a new International Seminar on Climate Change and Natural Resource Management, to take place May 9—30, 2010, in California.  Because of its national leadership on climate change legislation, greenhouse gas reduction targets, and multiple resource management agencies, California is an ideal location to learn about cutting edge land management practices under climate change.  The State contains many ecosystems affected by climate change, while facing pressure from rapid human growth, water scarcity, and important agricultural land uses.  The seminar is designed for natural resource managers with a professional interest in climate change issues who wish to participate in an engaging, interactive, and highly informative training and field study program.  Attendees will learn about adaptation and mitigation practices for managing natural resources in the face of climate change and its potential effects on natural resources, and will be introduced to policy and technological developments in carbon markets and offsets.


The Seminar Planning Team, pictured from left to right:

Jim Quinn, Alex Moad, Rima Eid, Karen Beardsley and Scott Loomis