SB 375 Social Equity Project


A new generation of land use and travel demand models is being implemented statewide by the California Department of Transportation and locally by metropolitan planning organizations (MPO). These models and the other data resources have significant potential to inform social equity advocates and public entities as they seek to better understand how public decisions about land use and transportation affect special interest populations. For example, how will these policies influence rents, travel costs, and access to work, schools, essential services, physical activity, and healthy foods?

How do land use and transportation decisions impact low income, immigrant, and communities of color, as well as other key populations? The goals of the SB 375 Social Equity Project, a collaboration between ULTRANS and the CRC, are to understand the concerns and interests of social equity advocates regarding this question, provide them with the understanding necessary to communicate with public officials, and assist with addressing meaningful equity considerations in the decision making process. UC Davis researchers will share a range of helpful tools such as models, indexes, and GIS mapping methods that are available to measure and evaluate planning efforts.
Project Start Date: June 15, 2011
Project End Date: March 31, 2012

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Project Participants